Dei Gladium

Dei Gladium
The Battle Weary Warrior

Friday, April 23, 2010


This blog is one primarily about ethics as it relates to being a law enforcement officer and a Christian. It will be an attempt to evaluate different law enforcement situations in light biblical ethics, especially Romans 13. All names, and situations in this blog have been changed and/or modified to protect the privacy of all suspects.

The overriding question I will keep asking is - How are we to conduct ourselves as cops in light of scripture? How does scripture dictate the way we engage people every day? I hope you will wrestle together with me as we seek to glorify our God and Savior Jesus Christ.


  1. Love the idea. Let's start exploring...

  2. Thanks. It's something that's been on my mind for quite some time now. I felt I needed to put to virtual pen the thoughts that I had in my mind. Many more to come. I alway welcome your feedback.

  3. Great idea. This is a subject I wrestle with on a daily basis. I look forward to some great conversation.
